de Gendre, A. Lynch, J., Meunier, A., Pilkington, R., Schurer, S. (2023). Child Health and Parental Responses to an Unconditional Cash Transfer at Birth. Revise & Resubmit Review of Economics & Statistics
Schurer, S., Tymula, A., Wang, W., Fuller, N., Caterson, I. (2024). Impatience and present bias do not predict weight loss in obesity: Evidence from lab-in-field and nationally representative data. Currently under review. Pls mail me for current version.
Doyle, M.A., Guthridge, S., Schurer, S. (2024). Income and immunity: The consequences of a pre- and neo-natal income shock on childhood infection risk. Currently under review. Pls mail me for current version.
Hammersley, Megan; Dekker, Gustaaf; Gurrin, Lyle; Hoon, Elizabeth; Schurer, Stefanie; Lynch, John; Aldred, Marnie; Dalton, Julia; Fletcher, Cherise; Smithers, Lisa (2024). The use of financial incentives for smoking cessation in pregnant women: a parallel-group randomized controlled trial protocol. Requested revision resubmitted (18 August 2024).
de Gendre, A., Schurer, S., Zhang, A. (2021). Two decades of welfare reforms in Australia How did they affect single mothers and their children? IZA Discussion Paper Nr. 14752 (27 September 2021). Being revised. [Current Version].
Guthridge, S., Schnepel. K., Schurer, S., Taylor, S. (2020). The price is right: do alcohol floor prices reduce alcohol abuse and improve birth outcomes?
Guthridge, S., Schnepel, K., Schurer, S. (2019). Early life health investment and childhood development: Evidence from special care nursery assignment in Australia's Northern Territory. [Draft available, we are currently waiting for a new wave of data]
Guthridge, S., Ruan, S., Schurer, S., Wright, A. C. (2020). Does out-of-home care lead to better education and less crime? Evidence from the Northern Territory Children and Youth Development Research Partnership.
Nguyen, H., Schurer, S., Mitrou, F. (2024). The (in)stability of locus of control: New insights from distributional effects of major life events.
Lisa Cameron, Darcy Coulter, Guyonne Kalb, Stefanie Schurer, Rhema Vaithianathan, Ee Pin Chang, Steven Guthridge, Olga Havnen and Pat Dudgeon (2024). Learning about adversity in the lives of First Nations youth through the lens of high-quality linked administrative data.
Mitrou F, Milroy H, Coffin J, Hamilton SL, Brennan-Jones CG, Schurer S, Davis EA, Richmond P, Passmore HM, Pearson G, Brown A, O'Donnell M, Bowen AC, Azzopardi P, Conigrave KM, Downs J, Cooper MM, Ramsey KA, Ferrante A, Johnson SE, Cave L, Vlaskovsky P, Hopkins KD, D'Antoine HA, Wilkes T, Zubrick SR. Cohort profile: Understanding the influence of early life environments and health and social service system contacts over time and across generations through the Western Australian Aboriginal Child Health Survey (WAACHS) Linked Data Study. BMJ Open. 2024 Oct 2;14(10):e087522. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2024-087522.
Doyle, M.A., Schurer, S., Silburn, S. (2022). Unintended consequences of welfare reform: evidence from birth outcomes of Aboriginal Australians. Journal of Health Economics. Vol. 84, July 2022, 102618. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2022.102618. EALE 2019 Best Poster Award (September 2019, Uppsala). In the media: ABC TV (News, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane), ABC News Online and ABC Radio (National, NewsRadio, triple j, Perth, Sydney), AAP News Corp Australia’s, Daily Mail Australia and Yahoo!7; The Wire; The Guardian, NITV; NT News, 8HA Alice Springs, 2MCE Orange and 4K1G Townsville, CAAMA Radio, 2MCE Orange, Koori Mail
Cobb-Clark, D., Kettlewell, N., Schurer, S., Silburn, S. (2021).The effect of quarantining welfare on school attendance in Indigenous communities. Journal of Human Resources Published online before print September 9, 2021, doi: 10.3368/jhr.1218-9909R2 [Revised version].
Moreno-Betancur, M., Lynch, J.W., Pilkington, R. M. , Schuch, H.S., Gialamas, A., Sawyer, M.G., Chittleborough, C.R., Schurer, S., Gurrin, L.C. (2022). Emulating a target trial of intensive nurse home-visiting in the policy-relevant population using linked administrative data. International Journal of Epidemiology. 18 May, .
Pastore, C., Schurer, S., Tymula, A., Fuller, N., Caterson, I. (2023). Economic preferences and obesity: Evidence from a clinical lab-in-field study. Health Economics. 32(9), 2147–2167 .
Edwards, R., Gibson, R., Harmon, C., Schurer, S. (2022). First in their families at university: Can non-cognitive skills compensate for social origin? Economics of Education Review. Volume 91, 102318. [LINK]
Nejad, M., Schurer, S. (2022). Cognitive and non-cognitive abilities of immigrants: New perspectives on migrant quality from a selective immigration country. Accepted for publication at Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. Volume 203, 107-124. [LINK]
Kassenboehmer, S. C., Schurer, S., Sulzmaier, D. (2021). Gender differences in the lifecycle benefits of compulsory schooling policies. European Economic Review 140, November 2021, 103910 [Revised version].
Kassenboehmer, S., Schurer, S. (2021). Survey item-response behavior as an imperfect proxy for unobserved ability: Theory and application. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. Accepted author version posted online: 29 Nov 2021, Published online: 28 Jan 2022. [Revised version]
Gensowski, M., Gørtz, M., Schurer, S. (2021). Inequality in Personality over the Life Cycle. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Volume 184, April 2021, Pages 46-77 [LINK].
Elkins, R., Schurer, S. (2020). Exploring the role of parental engagement in non-cognitive skill development over the lifecourse. Journal of Population Economics 33(3), 957-1004.
Schurer, S., Trajkovski, K., Hariharan, T. (2019). Understanding the mechanisms through which adverse childhood experiences affect lifetime economic outcomes. Labour Economics 61, December, 101743.
Kassenboehmer, S., Leung, F. Schurer, S. (2018). University education and non-cognitive skill development. Oxford Economic Papers, 70(2), 538–562. Covered by: The Australian, Daily Mail UK; PS Magazine; Campus Review; Times Higher Education; The University of Sydney News; Science Daily.
Fletcher, J., Schurer, S. (2017). Origins of adulthood personality: The role of adverse childhood experiences. BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 17(2).
Elkins, R., Kassenboehmer, Schurer, S. (2017). The stability of personality traits during adolescence and young adulthood. Journal of Economic Psychology 60, 37-52.
Schurer, S. (2017). Does education strengthen life skills of adolescents? IZA World of Labor. June 366.
Schurer, S. (2017). Bouncing back from health shocks: Locus of control and labour supply. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 133, 1-20.
Schurer, S. (2015). Lifecycle patterns in the socioeconomic gradient of risk preferences. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 119, 482-495.
Cobb-Clark, D., Kassenboehmer, S., Schurer, S. (2014). Healthy habits: What explains the connection between diet, exercise, and locus of control? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 98, 1-28.
Johnston, D., Schurer, S., Shields, M. (2014). Maternal Gender Role Attitudes, Human Capital Investment, and Labour Supply of Sons and Daughters. Oxford Economic Papers 66(3), 631-659.
Cobb-Clark, D., Schurer, S. (2013). Two economists' musings on the stability of locus of control. The Economic Journal 123(570), F358-F400.
Cobb-Clark, D., Schurer, S. (2012). The stability of the Big-Five personality traits. Economics Letters 115(1), 11-15.
Schurer, S., Atalay, K., Glozier, N., Vera-Toscano, E., Wooden, M. (2023). Quantifying the human impact of Melbourne's 111-day hard lockdown experiment on the adult population. Nature (Human Behaviour). 7, 1652-16666. USyd Press Release: LINK.
Glozier, N, Morris, R., Schurer, S. (2022). What happened to the predicted COVID-19 induced suicide epidemic, and why? Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. Oct 2022. [LINK]
Butterworth, P., Schurer, S., Trong-Ahn, T., Vera-Toscano. E., Wooden, M. (2022). The effect of lockdowns on mental health: evidence from a natural experiment analysing an Australian longitudinal probability sample survey. The Lancet (Public Health). Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2022, Pages e427-e436. [Pre-print] .
Atalay, K., Edwards, R., Schurer, S., Ubilava, D. (2021). Lives saved from economic downturn: Evidence from Australia. Health Economics. Summary on and The Conversation.
Schurer, S., Yong, J. (2016). Happiness, income, and heterogeneity. Singapore Economic Review 61(3), 1-23. By invitation for special issue in memory and honor of Prof. Ezra J. Mishan, Guest editor: Euston Quah, Nanyang Technological University.
Schurer, S., Shields, M., Jones, A.M. (2014). Socioeconomic inequalities in bodily pain over the lifecycle: Longitudinal evidence from Australia, Britain and Germany. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series A, 177(4), 783-806.
Johnston, D., Schurer, S., Shields, M. (2013). Exploring the intergenerational persistence of mental health: Evidence from three generations. Journal of Health Economics 32(6), 1077–1089.
Roy, J., Schurer, S. (2013). Getting stuck in the blues: The persistence of depression in Australia. Health Economics 22(9), 1139-1157.
Jones, A.M., Schurer, S. (2011). How does heterogeneity shape the socioeconomic gradient in health satisfaction. Journal of Applied Econometrics 26(4), 549 – 714.
Elkins, R., Schurer, S. (2017). Introducing a GP copayment in Australia: Who would carry the cost burden? Health Policy. 121(5), 543-552.
Schurer, S., Kuehnle, D., Scott, A., Cheng, T. (2016). A man's blessing or a woman's curse? The family-earnings gap of doctors. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 55(3), 385-414.
Schurer, S., Alspach, M., MacRae, J., Martin, G. (2016). The medical cost of mood disorders: A coarsened exact matching approach. The Economic Record 92(296), 81-93.
Joyce, C. Schurer, S., Scott, A., Humphreys, J., Kalb, G. (2011). Are doctors satisfied with their work? Results from the MABEL longitudinal survey of doctors. Medical Journal of Australia 194(1), 30-33.
Scott, A., Schurer, S., Jensen, P., Sivey, P. (2009). The effects of an incentive program on quality of care in diabetes management. Health Economics 18(9), 1091-1108.
The following four book chapters are all part of a Research-to-Practice which we have written to complete an NHMRC Partnership Project in the Northern Territory (NHMRC Partnership Project 2014-2017): Silburn S, Guthridge S, McKenzie J, Su J-Y, He V, Haste S (Eds.) Early Pathways to School Learning: Lessons from the NT Data Linkage Study. Darwin: Menzies School of Health Research. The full monograph is available here: [LINK]
[4] Schurer, S., Nutton, G., McKenzie, J., Su, J., Silburn, S. (2018). Preschool participation, school attendance and academic achievement. Early Pathways to School Learning Lessons from the NT data linkage study, (pp. 111-128).
In the media: this book chapter was covered in several national and NT-based newspaper articles, including The Australian (25 September 2018), The Sector (27 Sep 2018); The Educator Online (27 Sep 2018).
[3] Su, J., Silburn, S., Schurer, S., Guthridge, S., He, V., McKenzie, J. (2018). Early life health and development. Early Pathways to School Learning Lessons from the NT data linkage study, (pp. 29-61).
[2] He, V., Su, J., McKenzie, J., Schurer, S. (2018). School attendance. Early Pathways to School Learning Lessons from the NT data linkage study, (pp. 91-109).
[1] Silburn, S., Guthridge, S., Midford, R., Brimblecombe, J., Walter, M., Bodkin-Andrews, G., Schurer, S., Shaw, P. (2018). The NT Data Linkage Study. Early Pathways to School Learning Lessons from the NT data linkage study, (pp. 1-9).
Atalay, K., Edwards, R., Schurer, S., Ubilava, D. (2020). Lives saved during economic downturns: Evidence from Australia. Vox.EU, 2 November 2020 [LINK]
Atalay, K., Edwards, R., Schurer, S., Ubilava, D. (2020). So you think economic downturns cost lives? Our findings show they don’t. The Conversation, 25 November 2020 [LINK]
Schurer, S. (2019). We need new education spending priorities to build the skills of the future. OECD Economic Forum 2019/Forum Network, 21 May 2019 [LINK]
Elkins, R., Schurer, S. (2017). If GPs pass on cost from rebate freeze, poorer, sicker patients will be hardest hit. The Conversation, 31 January 2017 [LINK]
Elkins, R., Schurer, S. (2017). FactCheck: are bulk-billing rates falling, or at record levels? The Conversation, 10 February 2017 [LINK]
IN A PREVIOUS LIFE (produced during PhD training)
Karanasos, M., Schurer, S. (2008). Is the relationship between inflation and its uncertainty linear? German Economic Review 9, 265-286.
Fertig, M., Schurer, S. (2007). Labour market outcomes of immigrants in Germany: The importance of heterogeneity and attrition bias. IZA Discussion Paper Nr 2915. IZA Bonn.